Translated from
A Chronicle of the Destroyed Jewish
Communities of the Towns
Pruzana, Bereza, Malch,
Scherschev and Seltz
Their Origin, Development and Annihilation

Issued in the year of the 15 Anniversary
of Their Destruction

Published by the Jewish Countrymen
of Those Towns Now Residing in Argentina
with the Cooperation of these Who
are Dwelling at Present in Israel, U.S.A. and Canada

Buenos Aires – Argentina - 1958
Mordecai W. Bernstein, ed.
David Forer co-ed.

Memorial plaques are listed from top to bottom, right to left. There are 53 pages with six plaques to a page.  Entries are indicated by page number 1-53 and then plaque number 1 - 6, top to bottom, right to left, ie. 1-1 (top right), 1-2 (top left)…1-5 (bottom right), 1-6 (bottom left).

The word ‘donor’ or ‘mourner’ has been added to separate the contributor(s) of the plaque from the person(s) being memorialized.  We have tried to be as accurate as possible while including  the full text of the memorial plaque.

Transliterated by: Ellen Sadove Renck. Compiled  and indexed by Diane Glazer Jacobs.
Proof read & corrected: by Yehoshua Serlin and Jay Lenefsky .12/99

Memorial Plaques Index

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