Pictures of life in Shershev

A BIG thank you goes to Moshe Kantorowitz for donating pictures of life in Shershev from the 1920s and 1930s. Moshe Kantorowitz has also supplied names ( Polish spelling) of the people he could identify. Surnames in parentheses are the maiden surnames of these women.

By "clicking" on the picture you should get a bigger than screen size picture. (This would be good for printing the picture)

The first graduating class of thte Jewish Tarbut School.

Chaluztim (Pioneers) 1927

Jewish Returnees after the WW2 to Shershev

Orphanage Staff

Winograd funeral (Shershev 1934)

Remains of The Great Synagogue

Keren Kayemet LeIsrael (1930)
Orphanage Board (1934)  


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