Slownik Geograficzny

Listings for localites
in the Pruzany District

* Bereza

* Linowa (Linewa)

* Malecz

* Narewka
 * Pruzany

 * Sielec

 * Szereszow


Linova is part of the Pruzhany district, police precinct of Shershov, 22 verst (*) from Shershov, 180 verst (*) from Grodno, 7 verst  (*) from Pruzhany, and 3 verst (*) from the Linovka, Brest-Moskow railroad
( named Linevo). Together with other small villages: Horodian, Slonimce, Olshany. Zahorze, Smolany, Podziensienie, Worotne, Zaniewicze and Obsze, it is part of the Pruzhany economic district. The villages were sold to Trebicky, to whose grandson they still belong today. The combined area is 3,800 dz.


* A verst is an old Russian unit of distance, approximately equal to a kilometer (92 versts = 98 kms = 61 miles)


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