Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905

Database of Russian Army Jewish soldiers injured, killed or missing in action

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This list is posted on the Avotaynu web site @

This information was compiled by FAST Genealogy Service. By clicking on the following
link you can order individual records from FAST Genealogy Service.  Click here to open Order Form

 Below is information from this list pertaining to the Pruzany District

Record No. Province  City/Town/
2231 Grodno Mal'cha  Shembaum
170  Grodno Pruzhanskij d.  Berkman
675 Grodno Pruzhanskij d.  Gal'prn
229 Grodno Pruzhany Bokshtejn
1554 Grodno Pruzhany Lyuboshitskij
2090 Grodno Pruzany Rozhanskij
2233 Grodno Pruzany Shemkhovich
1745  Grodno Shereshev Nejmark

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