List of people who died in Kartuz Bereza
                       and their first names or surnames are unknown

Names Lived # of persons Remarks
1 Aharon & wife- Necha, from the village of Pishkeh in the market place lived with Rozovsky 2
2 2 sisters from the village of Senevitz (lived with Eliezer Pomeranitz Post Office St. 2
3 A Couple with 3 children who lived on Shmayahu St. next to Maylach Subinsky Shmayahu St. 5 Hat maker
4 Widow of Shumel Leib the Tailor Beit Chaim St. (across from the Hekdesh -public house) 1
5 Ephraim + wife + 3 daughters (Worked and lived at Smolana) End of Post Office St. 5
6 David + wife+ daughter (lived across from Avraham Yehoshua Kobron) Tzerkovna St. 3 Soap Maker
7 Son In-law of Bubka Kagan + wife + 5 children Zditver St. 7
8 Yochanan + wife + 3 sons - 2 daughters End of Beit Chaim St. 7 Wagon owner
9 Yisrael , the woman - Yenteh + son - Michael Beit Chaim St. after the school 3 Processing Cotton
10 Husband and wife from the village of Strihin Shasi St. next to Roterman 2 Store

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