Yitzhak Frydberg




In a series of previous texts, we frequently reminded the name of YTZL FRYDBERG, as one of the organizers of partisan movement in Pruzhany's and surroundings Ghetto . We next introduce his own work. He is now in Israel State. In some parts, the author repeats a series of facts that  were already remembered. We don't deleted them so that these testimonies certify the details and the descriptions that  appear in previous stories. We neither improved the text, to conserve the diversity of styles.


June 27 1941. Germans were already among us in Pruzhany. From the first day it  was already a "party". They caught to work young people (women and males) and older adults . These when returned home, were some with a hit in the head, and Jews were also shot. They hit a Jew because he greeted a German. Another was hit by not greeting. This was only the beginning.


In some people begin to arise the idea of being liberated of Nazi occupation, but how? The idea  matured even more, when German fenced with spikes wires Jewish neighborhood, transforming it into a Ghetto.


Working for Germans 


At the end of 1941 was created the Judenrat. There worked an office headed by LEIBL GOLDBERG. This office received orders from German work office, and workers should be presented (on Pacevitz St. #6, in former nuns house) for diverse works outside the Ghetto. Should also be sent workers to German posses, to deposits, etc.


The first day I went to work to be outside  the Ghetto, and probably to be able to contact Christians, among which I had many acquaintances. The first "gift" that I received was from phone workers, the sadly well-known LEIHMAN'S KOMMANDO" (are large stories about them). It was not important for me, if I decided to fight against these murderers. If I had to die, I preferred to die fighting.


As consequence of my declarations to Ghetto Work Minister, saying that I laugh at Germans  and I am not afraid of them, was named Work Brigades Group Chief. This gave myself the possibility to move with freedom among diverse German work places, and with enough frequency I defended Jewish workers of being hit. I decided to use my situation, and I put on an objective. Since all ways we are condemned to die, it will be fighting.


The agreement with Jewish Work Office 


In the Work Office collaborated MORDECHAI BER SEGAL. He distributed official statements to  diverse workers, and sent them to certain places. In this Office also worked LEIZER IZRAELIT, who sent  official statements to  specialized workers.  


I called SEGAL and IZRAELIT to my house (we were good friends since long ago) and I declared them:


"You  service in the Work Office, me in work places of murderers. We have to use this opportunity to obtain weapons to organize youth for  defense fight. At the same time, we should get ready to abandon the Ghetto and to go to the forest. I am willing to steal weapons of Germans, and you two should give appropriate workers to my group, in which we might trust that they won't tell anybody, and when entering the Ghetto they don't fear to smuggle weapons". My proposals were immediately accepted, and began our coordinated work.


I requested to the Work Minister, to send me with a group of workers that  worked in the barracks that belonged to Red Army in "Slobodka". There Germans came to rest after fighting in battle front. They also had diverse shops and weapons deposits captured to Russian. 


On Sunday morning I received a group of 60 men to work in the barracks. We three choose the workers, but we didn't know them. The task began. Some cut firewood next to one machine, other  took charge of house cleaning, and others manipulated old Russian weapons.


We steal weapons 


Together with each group,  were armed Germans, which watched over that nobody goes out of work. I, as Group Chief  could move of a place to another, without being controlled by a patrol car, and  always had the inhabit of having bent the lapel of my coat, so this way the "yellow patch" was not seen, and I could not call Germans attention.  During lunch hour, I entered in the deposits, broke the wooden part of the weapons, and quickly - through the neck - slipped it into my work wear. I had  weapons that reached the knees. I then placed them among the logs.  Jewish workers observed me. I came close to some of them and told: "After work you will take and introduce them in your clothes as I did".  


"Fine, YTZL" they answered with happiness. Their eyes reflected such a satisfaction as if they would reborn again, and a renovated blood flowed for their veins. A German patrol observed that I made a strange movement, but I fixed it immediately. I showed him a silver ring with a beautiful monogram. This liked them much, just as a dog likes meat.  


The hand grenades were knotted among legs. The bullets were put between the lining and boots leather. Without taking in consideration the enormous risk, we introduced with success weapons to the Ghetto. I should recognize the great danger in Ghetto's  entrance  door , because down Seltzer St. where we should always pass, were watching over the SS.  besides Polish police


Once, when I was busy breaking the wood of a " P.T.R. " gun machine, entered a German and  saw me. Immediately I was willing to throw him a grenade but in that instant I thought: what will happen to the workers? And here happened something strange, the destiny in this case played a miracle. German looked to his surroundings and told me:   


"You youth do not become distressed for me, I am your comrade".  And he extended me his hand. I could not believe what listened my hearings, and a cold perspiration wrapped my body. Is this possible? Or does German want to provoke me? With cold blood I asked him: Who are you, comrade? He answered: 


"I am Czech, communist, enemy of Hitler and for that reason I understand you very well."  He extracted a book of the communist movement  of the pocket under the jacket lining.


Next, the Czech declared that when the he saw me, as Group Chief,  entering weapons deposit , he understood that for sure I would take something, and he wanted to convince himself that was real. Now, convinced, he considers himself my friend and he will help me.  


I thanked him a lot, and I convinced myself that he told me the truth. That it was not any trap, because I could have been shot at once. This German Czech soldier, indicated me diverse places of importance for us.


Jewish Police interferes


Once, entering the Ghetto after work, Jewish police awaited our group. In that moment MOTIL was Ghetto Police Chief  . They introduced us to the  Police building, where previously  was "Masteviansky" Hotel, on Seltzer St., and they began to revise us. They found a shotgun, seven hand grenades, and more than 300 bullets. All workers were liberated, and I was detained. Police Chief MOTIL, gave me two blows in the head with the rubber whip, and flew sparks of my eyes. He said me: "From now on you won't introduce any more weapons to the Ghetto."


I did not answer him. I spent night in the police, and following morning arrived at my house. I was destroyed. Just now when I have such a good contact with the Czech, they ruined it. The plan to bring weapons from the barracks is finished.  They didn't send me any more there to work. Another person could not contact this German. They didn't allow me to leave the Ghetto in general.


We created a clandestine group in the Ghetto. I began to plan with friends about creating a group of youths to be able to be a resistance force in the Ghetto, in  case that  Germans begin the liquidation.  


We began to elaborate the following plan:


1.                  Nobody should freely beheaded or be retired from the Ghetto. 

2.                  When seeing a certain signal, resistance should be opposed to Germans and should leave in address to Rozshinoi forests .

3.                   Each one of the group should prepare weapons, vitriol bottles, naphtha, axes, knives. Resistance should be opposed and set on fire the house. 

4.                  Begin to build an underground tunnel from our house in the Ghetto (it was on Fledre St. #42), until BARANOVSKY's mill, in address to the route next to KRUTZEL's mill. This work was already began. 


We connected a former party member, the Christian OSTAPTSHUK that entered illegally to the Ghetto in several occasions.  


In  Bielovietz camp


Spring 1942. Germans began to ask to send workers to Bielovietz work camp. There ,work was very heavy. None of the workers wanted to travel without me. All declared to Judenrat President that they would not travel to the camp without YTZL, but with YTZL they would go even to hell! .


Once, very late at night, my door was hit. Were Judenrat President YTZL YANOVITSH and the "Work Minister" LEIBL GOLDBERG. 


YTZL YANOVITSH  excused himself for coming so late, and told me: "YTZL, you know me very well, make it for our personal relationship and for people in general, you should be Group Chief  of Bielovietz new camp.  Without your presence workers don't want to go. If we don't introduce  workers to Germans, the Ghetto will be liquidated. The workers have absolute trust in you. We will also allow you to have the cow that we know is with you"


"Mr. President", I answered "the milk of my father's cow  is to be given to Dr. JABOVIETZKY, to RESHELE TZUKERMAN and other indigent families of Byalistok that live in our neighborhood, who  don't have a cent. You know well our father, and if we resign to be in the Ghetto, the cow will be sacrificed immediately". Anyway, that same night the cow was sacrificed and whole meat was taken by the Judenrat. Corresponded us two kg. meat. 


The "Work Minister" LEIBL GOLDBERG answered: "If you travel with the workers, we are not afraid for you". "I accept the challenge" answered. An immense happiness filled my heart, I will be again free in the enormous "Putshe" (forest).  


I answered him: "Mr. President, I have a lot of respect for you, and I will go to the camp" 


The following day all  workers surrounded me with great happiness, almost we kissed each other. The camp was at 6 km of Bielovietz in the road toward Kamenietz Litovsk next to the Krulevsky Most (Royal Bridge). Here German constructed a road. The camp was called "Vaushtele #17." 


Camp leaders camp were murderous, Germans, Byelorussian and other diverse criminals. It was necessary to pull up roots, to enter in swamps, to chop stones and to make other black works. The inspectors wanted to blow with sticks and rubber whips. I immediately react  to this and said them: 


"I am here the Group Chief, and if someone doesn't carry out well the work, or doesn't want to work, for that reason am I here, you have to communicate it to me, and not hit them. If they will hit, I will be the first in receiving the blows, because I am the Chief, and in no way you will hit workers." 


I got them not to hit any worker. Neither they hurried them during work. Workers only screamed aloud when strange Germans or engineers arrived to inspect, but this lasted a short time. Only during their visit.


I always went of a worker to another and told them: "save your energy for tomorrow". Guards respected me because they saw that I didn't have them fear, neither them neither to the death. Every day I traveled on bicycle to Germans office in Bielovietz, and  gave the summary of all  happened in the camp. Also  said that everything was in order, that is not needed to fence them with spike wires. I gave them the workers list and received the coins that was workers salary.


I also achieved that every Sunday, German allow to bring from the Ghetto some products and elements, and  liberate  sick  and weak persons. They allowed me to buy in Germans office   the following products: meat, potatoes, vegetable, bread (as much as wanted), and everything with inspectors consent, of course non officially.


In Bielovietz village were no longer Jews. German Work Commissary was a  SS murderer. He demanded our Chief that we present him of our camp, 50 workers to his disposal. This was practically a sure death.


LEIBL GOLDBERG Pruzhany's Judenrat Work Minister, came to speak about this issue with camp's Chief. The Chief told him: "There is here a Group Chief, and I don't want to know about any other one". GOLDBERG came and told me the whole history. He was afraid of staying more time there and returned to the Ghetto. He left this issue for me.  


I grabbed my old Rover bike and the gun (that was my constant friend and companion) and traveled to Bielovietz. The itinerary was short. I entered the private house of Camp Chief that was near the Office, and staid waiting in the door. German asked me what I wanted. I answered him that it was about a personal issue. He closed  windows curtain, and asked me to sit down next to the table. His wife was also sitting there. 


"What do you want to request again, you Jude"? asked with a smile drawn in his face. 


"I want the Chief not to give my 50 workers to Bielovietz Commissary. It is all my request" I answered him.  


His wife then asks if I can satisfy her with a "caraculs" coat. I answered her smiling "If I solve with your husband my request, I could be able to satisfy your order with Judenrat's help". I promised  that she would receive her coat and added: "You know the proverb very well, a hand washes the other". 


German rises of his seat, takes of his wallet a 10 "pennies" coin and said:


"Sir, we will toss luck, if it falls " roll " I don't send the 50 workers to the commissary, and they return to Pruzhany's Ghetto, but if it falls "head" the issue plaid..." 


Then I replied: 


"Sir Chief, give  the destiny of my men to my hands, give me the coin and I will throw it 


His wife agreed with me and I throw the coin. Luck played to my favor. Fell " roll ". The following day I took the 50 workers to Pruzhany. The happiness of their parents was indescribable.


I find  partisans in the forest


After a short time, being in the camp, I went to the forest to obtain blueberries. It was a place far from the route. I met with former soldiers of the destroyed red army that decided to stay in the forest and form partisans groups. We had listened about them. I tell them our situation in the Ghetto, the work camp, and finally they expressed their desire that I could join the partisans together with other youths of the group.


This movement was already known in the area. They began to arrive to our camp, and I met with them in the forest, in certain places. Rumors were that were partisans groups around the camp, and an old German from Berlin that had his house in a boxcar near the route, fearing partisans, left it to sleep in our barrack ...Here - he said- it is more sure...


I traveled every Sunday to Pruzhany's Ghetto, I took  sick and weak persons, and brought products or other necessary elements. I gave letters from a son to his parents. The parents knew when I arrived, and they waited for me every Sunday morning. 


In Pruzhany I maintained contact with my friends, about how to organize partisan  movement , and  be able to take to the forest the highest amount of youth. Every Sunday, with the excuse of taking groceries and other elements,  came out 40 to 50 Jews. This could be carried out only with the effort and help of the Judenrat.


We decided to begin to negotiate with the Judenrat. Every week during the meetings, I informed about camp situation. I requested and received diverse gifts for the Chief, his wife and other small "dogs" that always adhered to them. This certainly produced a better relationship with workers.


I stay again in the Ghetto


In one of those meetings I referred to partisan movement that could be organized in Bielovietz, and the plan to save Ghetto's youth. 


Went to that meeting YTZL YANOVITSH, LEIBL GOLDBERG, MOTIL, DOVID ROSACHOVSKY and others that I don't remember. They listened to me with attention, and said that "our Ghetto belongs to a better category; we, luckily belong to Oriental Prussia and they were sure that Germans will not annihilate us, because we are considered as a work field." 


After these words YANOVITSH told me:


"You dear YTZL go to your house, very early tomorrow you should return to Bielovietz. Anyway, we will discuss this issue again here." 


I answered him: "Mr. YANOVITSH , we do not have much time, Pruzhany's Ghetto is similar to the others, is waiting us the same destiny that to other Jews of other Ghettos. Now we have the possibility to survive, to fight and to defend our Jewish name and as Jews of Pruzhany, until the eternity. If you don't want to help us, then do not bother us." 


They decided that that I have to stay in the Ghetto, and I didn't see again  Bielovietz with my own eyes.  YANOVITSH's answer was for me and our group of friends of the Ghetto, as a blow on the head. 


I began to work in the Ghetto, but we continued the preparations to leave to the forest.  Certainly, with a destroyed heart. 


Our friends stole weapons of the "magazine" next to the aerodrome, and introduced them in a  double bottom sled; above weapons they put logs ...to arrive to the objective no mean was difficult for us. 


Partisans come from forest to the  Ghetto


January 27 1943. Three partisans that some time ago had left the Ghetto to go to the forest, came to the Ghetto to speak with the Judenrat. It was evening. They were seated speaking with the President, and requested him money to buy weapons, medicines  and boots for Russian partisans. They had weapons in the hand. The decision was assumed. If the President didn't respond to the order, they would shoot him. The three partisans were Engineer BERL SEGAL (son of SHLOIME who lived in  Kobrin St. in Pruzhany), MEITSHIK and CHOINOVKSY of Byalistok,


In the same moment arrived to the Judenrat the District German Chief in his car. He came in through Kobrin St. entrance to the Ghetto, then down Pacevitz St. to YUDKOVSKY's house. When ascending for Judenrat's stairways (it was the house of LEIBL PINSKY), he saw the partisans and began to alarm loudly: " Partisans "!. BERL SEGAL quickly came near him and took the gun he had in his hand. The three partisans came out unhurt, running for Judnerat's back door, then  went for a narrow back street in address to Wodna St.. In that moment the guardian of the Judenrat, an old Jew, was shot.  


These three partisans were sent  for their colleagues that were in same refuge. They were: AVROM FRYDMAN, TUVIE BRYDBORD. ELIOHU WINER, CHAIM CHOMSKY, RUBIN, YOSEF UNTERSHUL, LEVNER and others.  


The same night we had a meeting with the three partisans and  they taught us  about real life in  forest, where was the refuge, and they transmitted us the "verbal countersigns" to find them. Our secret task concluded because of this accidental fact (which was told before).


The Ghetto is "evacuated"


The following morning in an unexpected way for all Jews, began suddenly the evacuation of Pruzhany's Ghetto. As was demonstrated, the SS  Ghetto Chief would communicate to Judenrat President about this decision, in that visit to the Judenrat . It is not correct the opinion that the encounter with the partisans was the cause of the evacuation, because the carts that drove to Pruzhany's  Jews of Pruzhany toward Lineve station, were already previously committed.


All transit trough streets was cut off. It was impossible to understand this sudden form of evacuation, which for we were not prepared. In spite of everything, we met in Rezke St., in  KAVENOK's barn. A 7 o'clock p.m. when happened German guard's change, and Polish policeman SENKOVSKY received from PESACH LINKOVSKY an amount of money so he moves away from  wire fences, I gave an order to LEIZER IZRAELIT: "Cut wire fences!". I was the first in leaving to the other side of the Ghetto,  and behind me came out MORDECHAI BER SEGAL, and behind them hundreds of youth, men and women.


I drove all them through Chvatke (a word which means "cabin") road in address to Yakovitz, Bozhany, Kozhly in the forests of Truchanevitsh.  A new chapter began this way in the history of our young partisans, the history of the forest. 


Partisan movement in general


Until May 1943, spread out groups of partisans in the forests. It was compound by Jews, Christians and mixed.  They lived in mud barracks, each one was managed according to their habits, knowledge and objectives. 


May 1943 arrived  Russian military men. Among them were men who were formed in military schools and had different ranges. They began to unify the groups under same directive. The organization of the groups responded to a severe military discipline.  




My brother MOISHE FRYDBERG, MOISHE and SHLOIME RAVITZKY, SOLOVEITSHIK, CHAIM CHOMSKY, DOV SEGAL, ELIE VINER, CHVINOVSKY and MEITSHEK from Byalistok, ABRAMOVICH of Kosovo, and others fell before groups were organized, during the time that they were isolated groups.


The Kirov group had about 200 partisans who were divided in four groups, each group had 4 groupings and in each grouping were 12 men.  We occupied an area in Hutter forest, that was between Selcz and the villages Shtzitna, Yudtshiky, next to Rozhinoi, near the road to Michalin.  


Each subgroup had built a refuge with tree trunks, 3/4 parts under earth. The roof was covered by sand, camouflaged by small trees and diverse species of forest plants, for not being discovered. There was also a place for a kitchen, a bathroom, a club, and a space for horses and cows.


Were two kitchens: one for  partisans and another for superior military personnel. They lived in the center of the surface, with a different kitchen, because the fear of being poisoned (real cases happened ). In those underground refuges, to both sides, was a kind of caverns, and a small oven. 


The club was to  service those that didn't have tasks, and wanted to have good time.  There played accordion,  harmonica,  danced, sang, and meetings were made to know different classes of weapons, gun machines, mines, etc. Chats were in charge of a Russian Regiment Chief.


Kirov group, had its own cemetery that was preserved with much respect. Each fallen person had his wooden poster, his name, and where and when fell. 


The objective of partisans was to move away of battle front the largest amount  of Germans through diverse acts, and especially to interrupt troops and war material transport  to the front. We dynamited bridges, we got off railroads transports of troops and ammunition, we assaulted patrol cars in strategic points and villages, and we cut phone lines. This whole activity was done in the itinerary that embraced the main road of Brest to Minsk.


This task arrived to such a high point that Germans thought much before attacking partisans. Each murdered partisan cost them many men and weapons.   In May 1944 during the great attack  against partisan movement, Germans sent 45.000 men. On behalf of the partisans, were lost 4 horses and three cows. Germans abandoned many soldiers, weapons, light tank, machine guns, and an airplane. But they retaliated with partisan cemetery . They destroyed the fence with the inscriptions, they pulled up the posters, and they razed it with tanks.  


Two partisan actions


I want to transmit only two of the hundreds of actions, in those I participated. At the of year 1943, at the same time that gas cameras  and crematories  worked hard, where our dear fathers and mothers, siblings and sisters perished, we retaliated their suffering with all fury. In the whole area of Rozhinoi forests burned partisans fight. An evening we were informed that patrol cars bet in Michalin road that extended from Selcz until Rozhinoi and a great quantity of Germans  were coming toward our address   


A German posse was repairing a bridge - which was set on fire by partisans - to permit its divisions to pass Michalin road, which was surrounded by partisans. Only some seconds after superior military personnel received the information, they ordered an alarm    .


We lived in situation of being prepared to all actions. We waited for it. Arrived the order of marching from Hutle toward Michalin road, to receive the Germans. The few kms. passed quickly. We occupied positions in road entrance. We were bet impatient, next to the trees, and we waited the order. 


It was already dark when came to our hearings the noise of truck motors driven by murderous Germans.  They were already close, and they came in our address. In that moment, arrived commandant's order:


"Fire! Hit the murderers! For our homeland!" 


Immediately we answered to the order with a fire rain on the trucks, which stopped. Germans stepped down, they expanded in the other road side and opened on us a terrible fire . 


Our quantity of men was a lot less than theirs, but we had a more strategic viewpoint. First, we waited for them, and second each tree scared the Germans. They saw partisans behind each tree...


The fight was indeed of life and death. We should bend over almost until earth level, or to adhere to a tree, for not being impacted by the thick hail of German bullets. Our shotguns, machine guns and grenades answered, and the "orchestra" executed very well. 


In this fight intervened men of Pruzhany, and among them were: me and my brother LEIBL, TZADOK SHERESHEVSKY, BAGMAN, the SEGAL's, BRYDBORD, FRYDMAN and others that I no longer remember. Our hearts and thoughts were next to people near our feelings, we felt that we had to avenge their sufferings, our group men fall in fight as heroes for being Jews, and for the earth of Pruzhany's community.


The Germans lifted red signs. Fire stopped. Did not pass much time, and they retired, leaving on the Michalin road 18 deceased.  


We were not conformed with this victory  to. Of our experience we knew that Germans (and also  partisans) take the risk in moving away of battle field, deceased and wounded men, and they made it this way. We staid in our locations, we requested reinforcements, and we waited to receive again  Germans.


Meanwhile we took deceased documents (we needed them for superior military personnel) and under each cadaver we placed a mine. We waited impatient during whole night.  


Of our espionage sources we knew that Germans could not mobilize  a superior force against us, their  maximum was three times  our amount of people. For forest conditions, that proportion was not terrible. The forest was our faithful friend. 


The following day 5 am, we listened the arrival and approach of Germans on Michalin road, where we had placed mines.  


We already saw three light tanks with the white and black swastika, behind it was a long line of trucks. We were watchful. The first tank hardly ascended the mine, it overturned and immediately came commandant's order: " Fire "!. 


Sky and earth trembled. Our bullets and theirs were in the air. Germans entered in extraordinary panic. We listened hundreds of  simultaneous orders of the enemy side. Screams, all at the same time, as if we were beheading a flock of oxen.


The infantry came close to us to remove cadavers, but when lifting them, exploded the mines that we had put . Alive Germans were destroyed, and we saw flying in the air heads, legs, hands of murderers.  This trembling picture produced us satisfaction. Satisfaction of vengeance for the spilled innocent blood. 


The fight still continued. Both parts maintained warm fight . We proved the " P.T.R .", the new weapon against tanks.


The "enemy's orchestra" was in silence. They ascended on some trucks a little bit deteriorated and retired, leaving on Michalin road two light tanks and other 24 deceased.



June 22 1944...


How good is it to sleep in a dark and humid refuge with other 20 men, when a person is tired and out. 


We were already three years in war. Three years ago my dear Pruzhany was complete, surrounded of worthy people, friends, dear friends, and now as a beast, but what a beast!, murderers want to annihilate me. And I should defend. They mix  in me, thoughts and images, I tried to overturn to the other side, and arrived the order:




I woke up of the sweet dream for which I was waiting, quickly put on right foot boot (I slept wearing  left boot shoe), I descended quickly of my cavern, take the weapon and ran outside. Here already were our " Kirovtzes " (from Kirov group). The commandant ordered to join, counted how many were present, and ordered to march.  


This game was not novelty for us. It was our daily bread, continuously in  fight against Germans, Ukrainian-Byelorussian murderous slaves of Germans.


We were approximately 200 men that night. We walked from Huter forests in address to Brona Gura. After marching several hours, we rested. After about 15 minutes resting, the commandant SAMUILIK that mounted on a coppery horse, ordered us to join and he told us:  


"Today begins the offensive on Byelorussian battlefront and our objective will be to destroy railroads in this part of the road, where Germans had bunkers". The first was to the right and the second 400 meters to the left. Each one of us received four mines, explosive cables and matches. We should place a mine in rails union, that is to say four mines for the four rail unions.  


We were approximately to 500 meters of the aggression point. My commandant, Lieutenant KOLKE, chose me as the #2 to manage the weapon, and to PETKE (the former sailor of red army fleet) as Gun machine Chief . Immediately I received three disks with bullets, and a reserve of hundreds of bullets in a bag.  


We divide ourselves in two groups for  handling the weapon. A group will direct the aggression toward the bunker of the right, and the second to the bunker of the left. The plan was that the Germans in the bunkers pay all their attention toward attack lines, and meanwhile give the possibility to other partisans of coming close to railroads that was in between the two bunkers.


We received the "Fire"! order:  Our two groups opened fire on German positions. They answered with a rain of fire of diverse weapons. The whole area was  a single mass afire.  


In a short time our friends came close to the railroads, placed the mines, and they lit the wicks. Then "the party began". Hundreds of fire explosions, pieces of rails flew for the air. The Germans  were worried. They didn't know what happened.  


We observed red signs in the air . They claimed help. 


The night was dark. We didn't see each other. The explosions silenced. I looked around me  and I only saw the gun machine Chief PETKE and nobody else.  


I asked him: "It seems that there was a retreat order, but for the roars we don't listen it". He answered "don't be afraid". And showed me with a finger a black mass. "You see, those are our partisans", said. 


I asked him: "PETKE do you remember? , the commandant said that after exploding railroads   we should return to certain place, to the other side of the channel."


The hero responds me: "ITZHAK go and see what is that black mass, I will stay waiting here." 


"Good" I answer, anyway death didn't scared me , I feared only  a single thing: to fall alive in  murderous Germans hands, They cut us in pieces. 


Then I began to come closer in address to black mass. The land was humid, marshy, with short grasses. Each step made a noise of water among marshy mounds.


When I come much closer to the black mass, I listen that they gave orders in German, and I saw their steel helmets. Suddenly I felt a rain of bullets around me. It was for sure my end. I took out immediately my weapon , knot a grenade around the neck - for if it ended up being wounded, to be able to put an end to my life and not to fall alive in Nazi murderers hands - . I took a second grenade in the hand. German bullets fell to my sides, and the whole land surrounding me was holed as a strainer. 


My friend PETKE now saw that the "black mass" was not partisans but Germans. To deviate their attention  from me, he began to throw fire from his place, and indeed Germans changed the address of their bullets, and I had the chance of retiring.


In a short time I was already with my friend. We began to look for partisans signs. But it was difficult to find the address toward where they moved. Meanwhile, began the day to be clear. We didn't have more bullets, and in my weapon  were only seven bullets and three hand grenades.  


We were in an open field. Quickly we begin to crawl toward the forest. It was already full day when we come closer and we breath more freedom. Here we feel as at home.


Suddenly we listen a call in partisan code. Somebody exclaims, Seven! We answer Twelve! We come closer with happiness, and they told us that were sent  to try to find us. The happiness of our partisans was indescribable. They believed that Germans had killed us. 


The fight, this victory, made us forget the fatigue, the hunger, and we were already willing for future "actions".