
Pale of Settlement Map

Old Map of PURS Area

1930's Polish Shtetl Maps

Poland Through Ten Centuries

Germany Through Ten Centuries

1914 and 1920 - Europe Before and After WWI

1935 to 1939 German conquers before attacking Poland

1939 Europe Before WWII

1939 Poland Before WWII - North East

1939 Poland Before WWII - South East

1939 Poland Before WWII - West

1939 Poland is Attacked

1939 October To 1942 New Nazis - Russian Frontiers

1941 to 1943 Pruzhany Guetto

1943 - 1944 Stages in Russian Counter Offensive

1944 June - July Liberation of PURS Area

Other Information

Revizskie Skazki (Revision Lists)

Distances Between Towns

Political Subdivisions in Belarus 2001

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