The Chapter about Social Institutions of our native city, was registered in the Pinkas of Pruzhany city published in 1931, Lacks in these chronicles almost ten years, from 1931 until the destruction.  In different chapters are intertwined episodes of later years, but in a fragmentary way.


We want to highlight that current Pinkas will be the spine and memorial stone for future generations, leaving registered the complete picture of our destroyed native home, and to reflect the activity of Jewish daily life in Pruzhany. It includes the work, effort, cultural achievements, discussions and consultations that happened until the last day of existence of the community.


A fact happened by chance which helped us to complete this period. Were conserved editions of several years of "Pruzener Lebn" that appeared until bloody out brake of WWII.  


This data were extracted of the section "Social Chronics", and completed some details of those years, from the edition of 1931  Pinkas Pruzhany City   until the  days eve of destruction.


This chronicle consisted on summaries, official statements and news of  social institutions,  that demonstrate clearly the active and dynamic impulse and force of men and women of our native homes . We should notice that "Pruzener Lebn" was edited by a sector of Pruzhany Jewish community . The newspaper was published by a group of people that met in the School Y. L. Peretz, the  " ydishist " group. Certainly the newspaper brought all the information about common life, but without doubt  lack details of the "Hebraist" group. We tried to complete this lack of information, with summaries of other sources. Is understood that of Pruzener Lebn we rescued first  those information related directly  with social life of the city.


The chronicles were ordered in various ways, distributed in different sections as the following: the city in general, community issues,  cultural and social institutions, mutual and economic help, etc.   In this sections we maintained a chronological order.  The information of some years are abundant, and in others are incomplete pages.  


An important place is devoted to the economic situation of our native city. Material needs sometimes arrived to its higher point.  We also separate in an outstanding place the anti Jewish and anti-Semitic tendencies   of Polish official government, that take a very sharp character in eves of nazis destruction, and also the resistance demonstrated by our Jews. 


We transmit the news without any comment neither observation. They were very clear, and they didn't need any explanation. They were the real reflection of truncated lives. 


The newspaper "Pruzener Lebn" began to be published August 29 1930. Was responsible editor ABRAHAM PRUZHANSKY. The newspaper was diagrammed in the same place in which was diagrammed the Pinkas of Pruzhany City, and was organized for this purpose. The newspaper was printed in the printing of Seimik (TN: Drukarnia Sejmiku in Polish, see our Documents Gallery. In English means "Printing of the Independent Council of the District"). 


The redactors




Year 1930




In the election of municipal council entered the Municipal Council, Jews of several areas. For example, in the First Group  was Vice Major A. BIRENBOIM. In the second group, as member of the Commission,  was ELIAHU POMERANIETZ. 


In the Assembly of Urban Commission, were elected representatives in electoral commissions the following Jewish council men:  M. VOLANSKY, Z. GOLDFAYN and E. GLEZER.  


The Municipality of Pruzhany, informed the following in an official statement in Yiddish: "In August will be due the term for payment local taxes second installment of inhabited areas, and lands in market area.  Just after Rosh Hashanah, collectors of this taxes will go to cash them.  


Take care of your money and pay taxes in due term! 


The collectors also charge a minimum of 1 guilden, and 5% in case of biggest amounts. 


Signed: the Municipality. 




I) For the elections of municipal council, the lists of candidates was published  . It will be carried out November 16. In the area of Pruzhany were presented 5 lists, one Polish and 4 Jewish. The Polish list includes government's people, and the Jews were; 


List No. 5. Left socialist group ("Bund", independent, socialist workers). Candidates were


1)       REIS A., Eng. Warsaw

2)       ERLICH H., Journalist,  Warsaw

3)       ALTER V.  Eng. Warsaw, and five other person


List No. 6. Zionist workers

1)       LEW Y. Teacher, from Warsaw

2)       BUKSBOIM N.  Journalist, both in first places


List No. 17 Polish Jews National Rights Defense Group. In first places were:

1)       GRINBOIM Y.   Journalist

2)       FARBSHTEIN H. Warsaw


List No. 18 Jewish Administrative Group. Candidates were:

1)       RAZNER CH.

2)       EKERMAN AIZIK, Warsaw


II) During Municipality Assembly was carried out a debate about the municipal decision of granting 500 guilden to  pay 1931  Pruzhany City Pinkas. A Councilor of Christian Club called VARANOVSKY, was against this payment. He adduced that it should be published in Polish. A Jewish Councilor GRINWALD supported him, with the condition that works should be of scientific character. The defenders of the proposal, were the Councilors URISNKY, NITZBERG, PINSKY, VOLANSKY, and the Major DORANT (Pole) who supported the opinion of Jewish councilors. Three proposals were presented:


1)       To pay a subsidy of 500 guilden

2)       Not to pay the subsidy: BARANOWSKY y GRUNWALD

3)       Pay now 250 guilden (proposed by Mr. M. YUNOVITSH).


The pay proposal (No 1) was accepted by 12 votes in favor against 2.


III) In connection with the celebration of Independence Day, November 11, were carried out religious services for Polish population in general in the Church, and for the Jews in the Bet Medresh ' Bet Yakov." 


IV) Final result of elections of November 16 in Pruzhany was the following:  


Registered to vote: 3670 

Voted: 2547 


The different lists obtained: 


List 1 National Group : 1602 votes 

List 5 Socialist Block (Bund, independent and Zionist workers): 383 votes 

List 6 Left Zionist Workers: no votes 

List 17 Zionist, headed by GRINBOIM:  504 votes 

List 18 Administrative Block headed by RASNER: 33 votes.


V) Was carried out population's general census in Poland. The official authorities distributed propaganda, for which was asked Jews to declare their national citizenship should be  "Pole". Of here comes  the great difference of quantity between Jewish religion and Jewish nationality.  


In the note "The population' census" written by M. VOL are interesting figures about Jews in this District, the quantity and the answers to the questions religion and Jewish nationality. The figures correspond to the  census  carried out December 9 1921. Next are the figures corresponding to the note up mentioned, related with  cities mentioned in our Pinkas  :



Jewish Religion


Jewish Nationality





















In  later publications of "Pruzener Lebn" appear instructions  to population about which should be the behavior during interviews with authorities during census:


Number (63) 47, Friday, November 20 

"An indication: During population's census indicate Yiddish is your maternal language!" 


In December 8 was issued - due to the census - an extra edition, where appeared a series of notes and instructions to be remembered: "When the census man visits you when asks : Which is your maternal language?  Answer Yiddish!! (Zhidowsky). 


Yiddish is your only language!

Don't lie, tell them Yiddish!

Don't allow you to deceive! Yddish, only Yiddish!

You speak Yddish, then answer: Yddish!


Year 1932




In an Editorial Note called "The limits of giving up" in which is commented the issue of Pruzhany's Urban Commission budget , we read among other things:  


" ...How much of General Budget receives of the Municipality, the Jewish Community? Of general budget the amount of 191.000 guilden, and for education 31770 guilden, that is to say 16.5%. Institutions of Jewish education  had only a third, that is to say 5%." 


This demonstrates the indifference toward  institutions in general, and toward education in particular. The note finished this way. 


"Let us don't give up our right to demand!." 




In  Municipality Assembly called to consider 1932/33 Budget, for Jewish institutions were assigned the amounts shown in footnote [i]




Last Tuesday, October 18, was carried out an Urban Commission meeting. Among other less important issues, two candidates and two representatives were chosen for Taxes Collection Control Commission , since their term had concluded. Again  were elect  members: Z. GOLDFAYN and SH. FINSKY, and A. TZEKERMAN and M. YANOVITCH as candidates.






On Saturday February 11 was carried out the meeting to consider next year budget. Small changes were accepted, according to the project of the Commission. It was 30% less compared with previous year. For Jewish institutions  were assigned the subsidies that are mentioned in footnote.[ii]




In the Meeting of the Urban Commission happened  on Saturday April 22, among other issues were considered the painful cases carried out by  control authority, when taking from their positions two Jewish employees of the Municipality and of Electricity Company. The Treasurer Mrs. L GOLDBERG was fired from its job, and N. NEIMAN was discharged with a three months compensation.




Last Wednesday a Taxes Services official, applied a severe sanction to Mrs. SHEINE ROCHEL  for not paying taxes. She had a small trade in the market. All her merchandise was 12 bottles of lemonade, 5 "bagels" and 9 eggs.  All this was appraised in 3 guilden, confiscated, and put for sale. Nobody bought it. The merchandise was transferred to the camp, to Taxes Debts Sector.






Under Major Mr. A. BIRBOIM  gives up his position. In his place was designated  Dr. M  FAYNGOLD. 


The Urban Council budget for the new year, is mentioned in footnote [iii]


April 17 will be carried out elections in Urban Commission. Were presented the list of candidates of "Independent  Block" whose 7 Jewish candidates were the following : Attorney LAYVNHENDLER - LEVITZKY, GOLDFAYN Z., YANOVITSH Y., LIATZKY M., RAVNITZKY B., TZUKERMAN A., and CANEL Y. A list of Christian candidates of "Labor Block", was also presented only in three districts. The list of Bund was presented in one district.




Were hung streets posters signed by the President of the  Commission which was organized to execute Elections, informing that only one list was presented in all districts (the other ones were annulled, as registered in the Pinkas) , and voting could not be executed. This list was integrated by 7 Jews and 9 non Jews, that is to say a total of 16 councilors




Last Saturday night one was carried out a meeting with authorities of  Urban Council, for the election of  new officers. As Major was elected V. YANOSH, Under Major Dr. M. FAYNGOLD, members Z. GOLDFAYN,  P. SHIMANSKY, and H. ADAMOVITSH. 


The SEIMIC (District Independent Council ) obtained that 50% to 90% of  subsidies of the Municipality, were dedicated to  Jewish institutions.


(We lack data about the facts happened during the years 1935/36, and  following years are not complete).






Was carried out a farewell dinner for local Prefect CHMIELIAVSKY, that was designated for same position in the city of Brest. Attended the dinner approximately 100 people. Among  Jews  attended: Dr. A. GOLDFAYN Vice Major, Dr. M. FAYNGOLD  Kehila's President, F. GOLDFAYN Union of Small Merchants President, Rabbi Z. GOLDFAYN . and Mr. A. SELETZKY. 


Caused a very good impression the final toast in charge of Dr. OLGA GOLDFAYN, in which she thanked Prefect CHMIELIAVSKY for his tolerant relationship with Jewish population while carrying out his position in Pruzhany. Finished saying: "We regret your departure in these moments, but we feel a deep satisfaction because you will assume same position in Brest. There, you will carry out not only administrative tasks, but in certain sense also sanitary, and will maintain  population's equilibrium  who is restless."


(Note: Previous Brest  prefect  was deprived of his position after bloody facts in May of this year. The Prefect of Pruzhany belonged to  democratic and liberal elements of Poland government machinery).






Some time behind, Vice major Mr. FAYNGOLD presented to authorities his resignation, but it was not accepted. Lately, he presented it again, and this time  was liberated of the position.






May 7 was last date to present lists of candidates for the election of Urban Council that will be  carried out May 21. The geographical map was divided in 4 districts, and each district chose 4 councilors that is to say a total of 16. [iv]






In electoral offices were designated only two Jews., AVROHOM SELETZKY and LAZAR HALPERIN, and as substitutes CHAIM ZAIDMAN and MOISHE BUSHTEIN. 


We won't need to vote


On Sunday May 7 was last date to present lists. There should be two lists for each district, of four districts with Jewish majority. Were willing to present  lists  Bund and  Artisans (left), and merchants and Zionist (right)   .


On Sunday afternoon was known that this lists would not be admitted, and in 4 districts there will be a list denominated " OZON " (Ovuz Ziednachenia Narodovego) that means, Rural Unit Camp. It had Nazi's objectives. In two of the districts (the 3rd. and 4th) would also be integrated a list combined of 5 Jews and three non Jews, that is to say that in the total of the 16 councilmen , would be only five Jews. Was formed a list with the following 5 Jews: Z. GOLDFAYN, YTZL YANOVITSH, lawyer VELVEL SHRAIMAN, YOSEL KANIEL, and lawyer LAYBNHENDLER-LEVITZKY.


But later was checked that this list was presented  after 7 p.m. when electoral office was already closed. On Monday morning was checked that party "Ozon" presented in same two districts its own list, in which three Jews figured. It was not necessary to vote. 


In Urban Commission entered the 16 candidates of  " Ozon " (and among them those mentioned 3 Jews).  









Last Sunday was carried out in Linat Ha'tzedek's building a public meeting  which considered Kehila's budget for the second semester. The meeting was carried out in an upset context with a lot of people in the galleries. Some items of the budget were considered, and among board members were different opinions expressed in very hard terms. It happened when considering Rabbi's wage, and when was considered the decision about subsidies for the Hebrew High Scholl and for the Talmud Torah. 


With regard to  "Rabbi's wage", G. URINSKY, leader of the Kehila, answered in sharp terms to board member KRUTZEL who had expressed that the Rabbi was entitled to live amply.


Also, with regard to Talmud Torah issue URINSKY answered with a sharp speech delimiting that some board members looked for to favor its Talmud Torah in detriment of other schools.  


He stressed that this attitude is a scandalous imposition, when granting the Talmud Torah 200 guilden more than to schools, considering that they have a third of students in relation to other schools. In the discussion participated leaders: KRUTZEL, GOLDBERG. GELMAN, President GOLDFAYN and others.  


The budget was conformed according to the detail in footnote.[v]




Last Tuesday was carried out last meeting to decide  community budget, but  were absent board members  KRUTZEL and POMERANIETZ. Last one sent a letter in which informed about his resignation. The Commission didn't accept the resignation and requested explanations. In the " agenda " arose again the issue of the "Subsidy to High Scholl" and with the majority of one vote were assigned 250 guilden . Were also assigned 80 guilden for IWO of Wilna. Were conformed several commissions.




On Sunday September 17 was carried out a Kehila plenary meeting. The agenda was: 


1. State loan at 6% interest rate 

2. Institution of norms to cemetery (Chevra Kadisha) 

3. Status of Public Bathroom 

4. Social defense. 


With regard to the point 1,  the Rabbi pronounced a speech alleging the necessity to support the loan payment, from a national point of view. At the same time, was decided that the Kehila  will assign 450 guilden for such an end, and that  will inform the population about the importance of the loan.   


With regard to point 2, was decided that to avoid future conflicts among  different opinions that arrived until  profanation of deceased's honor, will be formed a group composed by several proprietors that don't have lateral aspirations. For this objective was formed a commission, to elaborate a project (See following section about "Three Chevra Kadisha"). 


With regard to point 3, were created regulations for the Public Bathroom. After requesting help to several people,  concluded the meeting.




Last Saturday night was carried out a Kehila's Commission meeting, in which was accepted year budget, after lingering and heated debates. After the debate, was approved the budget  that figures in footnote[vi]






Last Tuesday Pruzhany;s Kehila send a telegram to District Council and to the Ministry, whose content was the great danger that could cause to population the announcement of the new ordinance on Industry and Trade. They requested to be annulled.




The Kehila received from the Municipality the Budget, with certain changes made by Supervision Commission . They reduced the annual salary of the Rabbi of Shereshev from 2400 annual guilden to 1940 guilden, the Treasurer's L. GOLDBERG salary  of 720 to 500, the salary of  slaughters collector B. PRUZHANSKY of 720 to 600, of  slaughters DAVID SUSHAN and EPHRAIM PRUZHANKSY of 2100 annual guilden to 1400, to YEHUDA PRUZHANSKY of 1320 at 800, and to slaughters of Linowo and Sheresherv of 1680 was reduced to 1000.


Social help for Shereshev increased of 300 to 515 guilden, with the condition that the amount of 215 guilden is dedicated to medical help, and 300 for the poor. Also was established that starting from July 15, the Kehila will be in charge of giving birth certificates, according to fees decided by the Kehila.  


The Kehila commission assigned 50 guilden for those damaged in  floods . Trade retailers had also to collect money for the same objective.






Last week were carried out some meetings in Kehila headquarters, where was analyzed the situation of six families whose occupation was meat workers, and according to the content of new Ordinance  would not be admitted as partners by other butchers. This way, the six family were going to be  without sustenance. Were present representatives of both groups and they didn't reach any agreement.


During the meeting of last Tuesday, was considered the incident happened in the Kehila last Sunday,  among Board Members SH. SAPHIR and L. GOLDBERG. The first one was attacked by GOLDBERG, while butchers protested for rate increase in  bovine and calves slaughtering. The Kehila  Administration called the attention to leader GOLDBERG for his attack the leader SAPIR.




The Pruzhany Kehila's Administration informs: a temporary employee is needed for office work; he should be able to travel to Shereshev.  The work begins Sunday 9.




The Kehila informs: the President GOLDFAYN will be absent for a short period, because he trips abroad. In his absence will occupy the position Mr. Y. E. GLEZER.  


The Kehila Budget was confirmed by the Municipality introducing small changes. Were decreased the salaries of the three butchers to 380 guilden, and was requested to assign a specialist to control animal viscera. 


Was requested to the Kehila that arrangements were made in public bathroom. The public bathroom called " Sehereshev " and the ritual bathroom (Mikve), should be closed while are not carried out necessary arrangements. 




Last Sunday a meeting was carried out in Kehila's headquarters . The proposal of Board member URINSKY was that - just as was made in previous years - it is provided footwear to poor scholars, and for this objective was assigned 300 guilden.




Kehila's budget was sent to the Government Control Department. The content is same as previous year, with small changes. The item "State" increases 25% due to Slaughtering regulations. During current year diminished slaughtering incomes, as it is declared in the budget.






In last Kehila's administrative meeting, and according to proposal of  LEIB GOLDBERG was assigned 25 guilden for the "Medem" Institute  (was located in Miedzeshin), near Warsaw.






The Community receives from Control Department the confirmation of the Budget. This Department annuls three items of 50 guilden each one (YWO, KKL, and KEREN HA'YESOD). The sum of 150 guilden is assigned to social help.










Protocol of the meeting carried out on Tuesday 15  Tamuz 1932 because of the debate in the Chevra Kadisha.


  1. About the legalization: Decided that  members that carried out the legalization (TN: to create a new Chevra Kadisha) by themselves, without the confirmation of all members, didn't behave correctly, and they deserve the most severe punishment.
  2. Until Sunday 27 of Tamuz, the Chevra Kadisha should accept declarations of those that want to register as members of the new group.
  3. The same day 27 of Tamuz, will be carried out a General Assembly that will decide for majority of votes, the list of those that declared (approximately 10 people) they want to be accepted as new members.
  4. On Sunday 4  Av, should be happen a General Assembly of the Chevra Kadisha, together with the new members. The General Assembly should choose through secret vote, four treasurers, four substitutes, three accountants, and a cashier, because the election of the previous treasurers was declared null by the Kehila.  
  5. The General Assembly will decide about it's  legality,  and about It's expenditures.  
  6. The General Assembly will decide to form a Council of 5 members, not bound to the Chevra Kadisha, which are entitled of controlling the revenues and fund expenditures, and without it's consent no expenditure over 100 guilden may be done.
  7. The Treasurer should be responsible for the money of the Chevra Kadisha, and all revenues and expenditures should be ordered. 


Note: The declarations were accepted by Mr. PISETZKY in the institution "Linat Ha'tzedek."




We communicate that  August 19 was legalized through the Municipality of Polesia, the group "Chesed shel Emet" (mercy and truth) in Pruzhany. New members who want to be integrated to this organization, have to address it and  declare it to Administration  member Reb DOVID POMERANIETZ.  Signed: The temporary administration 




Chevra Kadisha Official Statement. Considering that the members of Chevra Kadisha: ABRAHAM GORDON, CHANANIA SEGAL, DAVID POMERANIETZ and MOISHE YAKOV GRINBERG decided by themselves together with local inhabitant SHLOIME SEGAL, to found a new Chevra Kadisha, in order to avoid discords with above mentioned friends, we proposed to give this issue to the Kehila Council, so it intervenes in this conflict. The Chevra Kadisha accepts the decision of the Council, but those Sirs up mentioned didn't accept the verdict,  and founded a Chevra Kadisha with the name "Chesed shel Emet".


Old Chevra Kadisha decided to move away members up mentioned, and to erase their name of  old Pinkas that exists from more than  100 years ago. We declare openly that the Old Chevra Kadisha has a past of centuries, with old customs and traditions, and this Pinkas is worthy of being in charge of the important precept of  assisting and honor deceased.


"Chesed shel Emet " Official Statement


As we communicated, was legalized the Group "Chesed shel Emet" in Pruzhany. The group has the objective of introducing a certain order, and to fulfill the tasks decided by this group. A correct accounting was ordered, where each cent will be registered in its corresponding place. An Administration and a Revision Commission will be chosen formed by members of the group, which will have the responsibility of supervising the tasks, in accordance with Statute and it's amendments.


All income and expenditures will be under control, and if it were a surplus of money, will be distributed among Jewish institutions that are in critical situation. The offices of the Group are temporally in the Bet Medrsesh "Achnosas Orchim" on Kobrin St.  


Signed: The Temporary Commission of "Chesed shel Emet" 


Official statement of the first General Assembly of the Group "Chesed shel Emet" of Pruzhany.


On Sunday 25 of this month, was carried out in the Offices of "Chesed Shel Emet" the first General Annual Assembly. In the agenda were the following items:


1.       Opening 

2.       Election of President, Secretary and their two substitutes 

3.       Report about the foundation of the group and it's obligations. 

4.       Certification of annual budget 

5.       Acceptance of Mr. LEIB AVERBUCH as Group member 

6.       Election of an administration, a Revision Commission, and a Representative. 

7.       Diverse proposals.



Mr. SHLOIME SEGAL transmitted in synthesis a report about the foundation of the group, and of the task that consists on helping Jewish population in the execution of religious laws in the moment of burying deceased .  It also aims not to demand excessive payment to deceased's relatives, and - as much as possible-  to aid Jewish indigent population  in all their necessities. The president YDL FAITELEVITSH read again the Annual Budget, and after considering each item, was accepted. In relation to the XVII paragraph of the statute,  was accepted Mr. LEIB  AVERBUCH as Group member. Was chosen a commission and their representatives as follows:






In the Assembly  were accepted some amendments, among which are those referred to funerals as follows: the coffin should be accompanied to the cemetery by not less than 10 people, be by day or by night.  


Signed: The Administration of Chesed Shel Emet in Pruzhany.


Public Report 


Will be taken steps to found a new Chevra Kadisha here, with the name "Ezrat Achim" (Fraternal Help), which will also have the task of offering  gratuitous medical aid in the event of illness of some of it's members. For information and inscription,  go to Mr. DOVID SHAPIRO, street Brovarna.  


Signed: The organizing committee.






Kehila's Administration informs that the inscription to belong to the Group "Halvayas Ha'mes" (To Accompany The Deceased), next to the Kehila, will be carried out on Sunday, January 22.




The community sent a letter to Mr. YTZHAK YANOVITSH to force him to return to the Kehila, the Pinkas of the CHEVRA KADISHA that is under his possession. This is an historical register of great importance that should not be in private hands. 


Last Sunday was carried out in Kehila's offices a meeting of those that registered to be members of the Group "Halvayas Hames". Were chosen 4 Treasurers and their representatives








On Monday morning inhabitants Seltzer St., found walls full with posters with the following content (in Polish): "Hit Jews, save Poland!, celebrate Bartholomew's Night." 


The inhabitants pulled up posters, informed the Police, which began an investigation.






On Monday at 6 p. m. Jewish business closed. In the Bet Medresh "Bet Yaakov" was carried out  a protest act against Hitler. Speakers were AREZ, GRINWALD and GROBER.




Since was settled down in our city a house to attend sick person, worked there two Jewish doctors, Dr. A. GOLDFAYN and Dr. FAYNGOLD. Unexpectedly both doctors received an official statement from "Sick persons attention house in Brisk", according to which they were expelled starting next month, because they did not  adapt to ordinances, and they didn't complete their obligations properly.    




Today was carried out in urban tribunal a trial against  Sirs NOTE YURKOVSKY, ABRAHAM  BERMAN and MEIER MOTEL, accused of the following: the day of protest when Jewish merchants closed their business, they hit posters and urged to close business  as a protest  for taxes excessive increase.






Polish new "kosher" slaughtering Decree[vii].


The amount of Kosher meat for the District of Pruzhany was fixed in 100.000 kg. of livestock for next 3 months, up to March 1. For the city of Pruzhany was fixed 40% of the total, that is to say 40.000 kg. of livestock, which means in terms of eatable meat, less than the half. Only five butchers received concession for marketing kosher meat: ELIOHU TOGMAN, MOISHE HERSCH GOLDBERG, TZALKE GOLDBERG, ZALMAN POZNIAK, and KALBKOIF. Each butcher was entitled to slaughter only 6000 kg of kosher meat during next quarter. Was considered that one or two additional concessions will be granted.


Last week were slaughtered for kosher meat, 5 cows and 16 calves. Some dozens of calves were slaughtered by Jews, but not for kosher consumption. Other 21 Jewish butchers, obtained a permission to market non kosher meat. The  kosher meat increased it's price in 25%.




Open letter to millers[viii]


During last years, cereals big buyers, also called "complete boxcar cereals buyers", began to buy directly to peasants, and this way ruined dozens of families who are merchants of cereals that bought to peasants and sold to great merchants.  Afterwards they could only buy a small quantity of cereals and sell it to millers. Now, big merchants forced millers to associate with them, in such a way of avoiding small merchant. For this reason we address you and we request not to  destroy few families that barely maintain themselves. If you continue in this attitude, they will be exterminated definitively. 


Signed: Small merchants of cereals in Pruzhany.




In May 21's issue appears the following news::


The news 


During May 13, news arrived to Pruzhany about what happened in Brest. This created in our city a feeling of depression and panic. Some residents phone called to their relatives and well-known people. After some days, local Jews sent packages with groceries for their friends in Brest.  The daughter of AVROHOM LUBASHITZ "the saddler of Pruzhany", suffered a sanction because she had an alcoholic drinks sale business in the village Graievka. YANKEL GORDON son of YOSEF, partner of a soda manufacturing company, was harmed by damages and break of merchandise glass containers. Other people whose origin was Pruzhany were also harmed. Donations were received for those harmed of Brest, for the amount of 2000 guilden.


School students representation that should be carried out for a second time on Saturday night,  was deferred. The dancing veiled  of Orphans Home that should be carried out on Sunday night, the first day of " Shavuot " (Pentecost), was also deferred. The Zionist meeting programmed to be held the second day of Shavuot, was also deferred.


In the editorial note of same day and under the title "Cold Blood! ", is written: 


The command today is cold blood and tranquility. It is understood that it is not easy, it demands a great effort and strong discipline, but it is a question of life for all in general and each one in particular. Each one should continue with its daily task, and activity should not be paralyzed one minute, being it social or cultural.


Organized help for harmed in Brest 


The collection for Brest harmed people weakened last days. As it is appreciated, we are very far from the amount of 2000 guilden that was committed to collect Pruzhany's Kehila. One of weakness factors of this activity is the organization.   It was a great error that the community was not in charge of the organization of this activity, but it is not late to introduce a change and succeed.  


It is a duty of honor for Pruzhany, so near to Brest and united to it with thousands of threads, to be able to collect as a minimum the amount of 2000 guilden. 


The former High Scholl Professor Mr. MALINIAK, a Christian, donated 5 guilden for those harmed in Brest.




Very nervous situation  


Last week a very nervous sensation dominated population, due to restless echoes, because hooligans said that in the city, yesterday Tuesday (June 3), would happen "facts". In front of some houses were painted different offensive inscriptions, and  swastikas against  Jews. As a consequence of these facts,  Wednesday was formed a delegation integrated by the president of the Kehila Dr. GOLDFAYN , the Vice Major Dr. FAYNGOLD and the Rabbi, who went to see   prefect CHMIELOVKSY, who assured the delegation that calm would reign in the future, and indeed yesterday Thursday was absolute tranquil. 


The collection for Brest, was superior to the amount of 2000 guilden. The president GOLDFAYN gave last Monday the money to the Committee in Brest.  


In two editions of  "Pruzener Lebn" was published the list of donors. Participated  504 people  and the amount collected was 2011,90 guilden. It is interesting to see the high quantity of donors. The quantity of people that contributed are indicated in foot note  [ix]


Anti-Semitic agitation 


During last weeks, increased anti-Semitic agitation in our city and it's surroundings. Were distributed pamphlets in the city and the villages, inciting to boycott Jews. Among the scholars, were distributed pamphlets with horrible cartoons of Jews, with boycott slogans.


In the building of Toz children summer house in Liache, anti Jewish  inscriptions were painted in walls  


Unknown people disseminated worrying rumors. For next Thursday, fair day, was said that were prepared  attacks to Jews. Jewish population was very depressed.




Sanitary Commission[x]


During this week administrative authorities visited business and public places. A quantity of business were notified they should set some order in a certain term. Others were sanctioned with fines or prison.  


Yesterday Thursday, was closed the Kehila's chickens slaughterhouse, under the order of the Commission. Was also closed the "steam bathroom", until are carried out necessary fixing. 






Butchers committed to collect money for the purchase of an airplane for the army, as a Jewish butchers' donation. Last week was created an "action committee" for this objective, under the presidency of Mr. LEIB GOLDBERG.




Tobacco concessions [xi] were given only to two Jews. A dozen of Jewish tobacconists that traded this item for almost two decades, were not given concession. Even those as YOCHANAN KIRSHNER that had an trade only  of tobacco in town market, did not receive a concession. Contrarily, several Christian were that were never in contact with this specialty, were given this concession. Were selected only the two mentioned Jews, a former voluntary SELETZKY and MEIR MOTIL the owner of a kiosk on  Pacevitz St.


Were found breaking glasses 


This Wednesday afternoon, the tailor ROGOVITSH that lives besides  " Neguidish "  Bet Medresh, saw some high school students breaking glasses of the Bet Medresh. ROGOVITSH pursued them, and a student, ALEXEI KARELTSHUK was caught and sent to police.  


On  last Sunday unknown people broke eight glasses of the Bet Medresh "MOIER" in Dombrowski St., in the back street that limits with  Perlshtein's house. 


Last week, in houses of families SHUSTER and KIVATINIETZ on Derechin St. were broken several glasses  .




Last Sunday was carried out in  Sport Center, behind Pruzhany city, a parade with the participation of all  rural cooperatives. In this great meeting was spoken about cooperation. Were also carried out two shows about two business: one Jewish  with negative connotation, and the other one a non Jewish cooperative with positive connotation.






Urbanization victims[xii]


A poor shoemaker, MOISHE IZACZON had a precarious house on  "Orlitshdreshe" St. (Brest St.), and received the order to destroy his humble shanty. The term for its execution was three months. A great quantity of poor families were in same situation, because not only IZACZON was among those that didn't have possibility to reconstruct a better housing in same place, neither was possible for him to rent a house 


To enter this year's High School state local first class,  were presented for exams 168 candidates. Of them 60 were rejected and 108 approved. Only 80 students were accepted, and the remaining ones were not accepted  because of scarce space . Were present to exams 8 Jewish students , and of this quantity approved 3. These 3,  were not accepted due to mentioned reason. This way, this year, first year of State School will be "free of Jews"      








Orphans Home 


Yiddish and Hebrew Popular schools (each) 


Hebrew high school 


Social charity (Linat Ha'dtzedek)  


Children Sanitary Help (Toz) 


Loan Fund 


Both Libraries 








Schools Y. L. PERETZ and YAVNE 


Hebrew high school 


Social charity "Linat Ha'tzedek" 


Children Sanitary Help (Toz) 


Loan Fund 




Orphans Home


Schools Supply  






Jewish schools 


Hebrew high school 


Social charity Linat Ha'tzedek" 


Children Sanitary Help (Toz) 


Loan Fund 


Orphans Home



[iv] To diminish amount  of Jewish delegates in Urban Commissions, was changed electoral system. Before,  vote was proportional to quantity of Jews, and now  was instituted a system by voters' district, and Jewish delegates diminished.





Animals slaughtering 


Linowo slaughtering 




Birth Certificates 




Public baths



Rabbi's salary  






Shrouds for poor 




Public Baths 


Non community leaders 


Schools Peretz and Yavne 


Talmud Torah 


Popular library 


Orphans home 


Indigents home 




Loan Fund 




Fire insurance 


Health Fund 









Orphans Home





To feed school children  were voted 50 guilden monthly.


[vii] One of anti Jewish manifestations was to institute quotas of "kosher meat" . The  Municipality fixed  quantity of "kosher" meat that could be slaughtered, and who will be Jewish butchers.


[viii] The government fixed quotas for  Jewish cereal buyers, to avoid the intervention of these merchants.



Amount in Guilden






































60 groshn


50 groshn


30 groshn



[x] The commission was another "method" to cause damage to  Jews. They surprised a fair Jew when the situation of his business was in infraction, or under  "non sanitary " conditions.


[xi] Were limited  Jews from trading tobacco. This was a practical policy of Polish government to exterminate  Jewish trade.


[xii] City enhancement was paid by Jews, but their housing  showed the contrary look.